We have selected the following hotels within the Chianti region for our guests to stay at. Guests are welcome to make alternate arrangements, however, please note, transportation for the welcome party + wedding day will only be provided to and from only some of the following hotels.
Hotel Villa Casalecchi
Surrounded by vineyards, this charming hotel set on a hillside and located in its own gated garden set within fifty acres of private woodlands.
4.9km/3 miles- 7 minutes to the venue
Transport will be provided from this venue
To book your reservation, please email Costanza; costanzabaccani@gmail.com and mention our wedding party
Hotel Salivolpi
A rustic, converted farmhouse surrounded by a private garden and swimming pool.
Distance to venue- 2km/1.2 miles to venue
Transport will be provided from this venue
To book your reservation, please email Cristina;info@hotelsalivolpi.com and mention our wedding party